The White Truffle, scientifically known as Tuber Albidum Pico, is prized and highly valued in gourmet cuisine. It is often considered one of the most prized truffles in the world, along with the white truffle Tuber Magnatum.
The plants with which Tuber albidum enters into symbiosis are the pines of the coastal areas, stone pine (Pinus pinea), maritime pine (Pinus pinaster), Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis); those of the hilly areas black pine (Pinus nigra) and larch pine (Pinus nigra var. laricio) and exotic ones such as excelsian pine (Pinus excelsa) and strobe pine (Pinus strobus); symbionts are also the oaks of both mesophilous forests, oak (Quercus sessiflora) and turkey oak (Quercus cerris), and xerophilous oak (Quercus pubescens).

The gleba (inner flesh) is initially whitish, although it later tends to turn tawny and then purplish-brown, with coarse white veins.
The peridium (outer rind) is smooth, off-white in younger specimens, taking on a darker tone with russet speckling as it matures.
It is a truffle that does not reach a large size in fact this species reaches a maximum size of 40-50 g.
Tartufo Bianchetto (tuber Borchii Vitt. or Tuber Albidum Pico) is harvested from January 10 to April 15.

Mainly used to add a subtle and refined flavour to dishes such as pasta, risottos and salads.

Harvest time: from January to April.
As its common name “marzuolo” suggests to us, from March it fully reaches its maturity, expressing at its best its character, decisive and pungent.